
Showing posts from July, 2022

Video montage: MLK's dream: a possibility, or just a fantasy?

 I have a dream is a speech that many people will recall as Martin Luther King's most famous, and powerful. The idea of children from all walks of life: black children, white children, Catholics and Protestants, people of all races coming together in unity has united many, many people into understanding the commonality of us all, and the gross injustice and absurdity of segregation and the political divide that values people by the color of their skin and not the content of their character. But it's said that the only way the human race will ever come together is not by recognizing our commonality, but by facing a common enemy. Is this true? Can we come together and live in harmony without having to face a common enemy? Or is the common enemy - fear and greed and hatred - within us all? The second clip is of comedian George Carlin talking about divide and rule, and how the upper classes keep us divided and working, paying all the taxes, and the poor there to scare us... This is...

"Race": a social construct used to divide us.

 When we use and hear the term race , many of us think of our own race, and where our position is on the social ladder, or in the hierarchy of social status. One is either black or one is white, both reflecting the extreme ends of a very focused color spectrum, the middle being gray. Gray...who wants to be gray, the definition of boring, middle of the road, and unappealing? And yet we accept, it seems, this definition; this fundamental statement that tells us who we are. I n this video, The Myth of Race debunked in five minutes,  Jennee Desmond-Harris explains some things about what many of assume is fact, but in fact isn't:  In her paper, Why teaching race as a social construct still matters , Jennifer L. Pierce states the following: "For scholars who teach about race in sociology, ethnic studies, American studies, and related disciplines, one of the foundational arguments in our respective fields is that race is a socially and historically constructed concept. B...

Divide and Rule

 Mankind has been abusing mankind since the dawn of time. Human beings have been subjugating, enslaving, disenfranchising, abusing, denigrating, objectifying and murdering other human beings simply because they could, and nowadays we have a society divided in such ways that many of us aren't even conscious of the divisions or our own prejudices. The phenomenon of implicit racism, for example, is one that many people fail to recognize. Racism, sexism, bigotry, prejudice and injustice are so woven into the fabric of society that we don't even know we're doing it. We say we're civilized, but a fine veneer of civilization covers a seething mass of resentment and hatred, as we've seen rise to the surface in recent years. In this blog I'll be looking at the history of the kinds of injustice that mankind has subjected upon his fellows, and I'll be looking at some of the people who've tried to bring us to the awareness of the folly of doing so.. I'll be stud...